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Yoga and mindfulness programs for children in schools


Kids Yoga Teacher Training with YogaRenew

This online course for kids yoga will provide you with the skills and resources necessary to build a strong foundation for your own children’s yoga class.

We encourage you to learn and practice at your own pace and our online course allows you to do it all from the comfort of your home. If you’ve been interested in becoming a yoga instructor for kids, now is the time to start exploring.

Kids Yoga Programs:


A yoga certification program for teachers and staff members where they can become certified to teach in their schools.

This comes with assisted guidance throughout the entirety of the course; anything you need - we’re here!


We custom design programs for your entire school (of varying ages and needs) to incorporate yoga into the classroom.

This allows you to bring the enrichment of yoga and meditation to your students in an affordable and holistic way.

why yoga and mindfulness for kids?

Kids yoga is a great way for kids to learn!

Teaching kids yoga can be a great way to enhance their mental and physical well-being. An understanding of child development and the importance of social and emotional learning can improve the way they interact with the world.

Yoga can be taught to children as young as 3 years old and continue all the way into their middle school years. By integrating children’s yoga into your offerings as a yoga instructor, you have the opportunity shape the youth in your community in a healthy + fun way!

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Union City Public Schools

About Me

I’m Trevor Vaughan and I teach kids yoga. Service is the driving force behind everything I do and what better way than by bringing yoga + meditation to kids. Bringing yoga programs into schools directly impacts the lives of thousands of children and teachers in a positive way.

In my past life, I was a former Wall Street executive for over 20 years. Through a life altering experience, I found yoga and a new purpose for my life.

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